by electramps | Dec 8, 2021 | Blog, News
The United Arab Emirates has announced that it will cut their workweek from five days to 4.5 days starting January 1, becoming the first nation in the world to do so and setting a precedent for other nations to follow suit. This is a major step taken by the Emirati...
by electramps | Oct 1, 2021 | Blog
When preparing for a virus outbreak, you’re going to need all the help you can get! Now is a good time to make sure that your staff has been properly trained to work alongside members of your outsourcing team. If any staff become ill, it will be beneficial to...
by electramps | Oct 1, 2021 | Blog
On the heels of an outbreak that has stricken the business world like the very doomsday called COVID-19, now known to be caused by avian influenzas, organisations are finding themselves facing issues resulting in loss of revenue. It’s critical to limit damage...